Inspired by Ghibli studio’s works, I want to express a similar feeling with my travel experience. Images are originally captured with iPhone during my visit to the Netherland back in 2016 and Helsinki in 2018. I used an app call Everfilter (available on the App store, no longer updated) to edit/ create these images below. The app uses smart filter feature enabled by artificial intelligent, which automatically detect the sky, the buildings, animal, water, etc, and applies colors based on the unique art style of Ghibli studio.
Hence, the images bring a lively and peaceful feeling, which reminds me of Japan. Yet, somehow the Netherland and Finland have somewhat similar feeling with the silence and peacefulness. Some might says that it is slightly exaggerated, yet isn’t beautiful? Through the artwork, I hope to share my perspective, how I see different places through the same lenses (eyes) and imagination (mind). Enjoy!

The artwork can be viewed here:
Tools used: Everfilter app (iOS)
Personal website: