
Picture Me Posthuman is an online art exhibition of AI art made during an interdisciplinary course Art and Artificial Intelligence in Fall 2021. The exhibition explores co-creativity and co-existence of humans and machines, and asks what will our posthuman future be like? Art and Artificial Intelligence –course discussed the ethical, and social dimensions of artificial intelligence in relation to art, aesthetics, and perception.

Al Izzawi Aws, Daniel Boldt,  Riikka Eskola, Michal Gajdoš, Celia Garion, Amna Gul, Francesco Hachen, Patrick Hutchinson, Victor Nazianzeno-Le Jamtel, Olli Kesseli, Ariana Sabino Nogueira Da Cunha Marta, Bartlomiej Rey, Andra Sarenius, Oriol Vall Serras, Nancy Sihmar, Viktor Teodosin, Vilma Tiainen, Phuong Anh Tran, Aaron Wallasvaara, Mirjami Wallin, Yujie Zhou

Jaana Okulov & Yu Tian

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