If AI was asked what it thinks about you, what would it say? If different AIs had a conversation about you, what would the result be?
“Artificial gossip” showcases the communication between AIs which are having a “conversation” about me. It starts with one AI, the Google Ad personalisation AI, interpreting my behaviour and summarizing it into short assumptions about me. These were available through my Google account. I wrote a simple Scala program to choose three sets of three assumptions randomly.
Each set of assumptions went through the following process:
The assumptions in the set were first given as input to an AI text-to-image tool, generating an image. Then, the image was given as input to Google’s image labeling AI, which produced a list of possible labels (words that explain what is in the image) for the image. Three of the labels were randomly chosen with another Scala program I wrote. These chosen labels were given as input to the same text-to-image tool as before, generating another image.
This process created a back and forth between the two Google AIs and the text-to-image AI, which resembles a conversation. The three ”conversations” generated with this process from the three initial sets of assumptions are what constitutes “Artificial gossip”.
First conversation
Google ads AI
Construction & Maintenance, Marital Status: In a relationship, Shopping
Text-to-image AI
Google labeling AI
Water Transportation, Leisure, Truck
Text-to-image AI

Second conversation
Google ads AI
Philosophy, Action & Platform Games, Outdoors
Text-to-image AI

Google labeling AI
Leisure, Bench, Animation
Text-to-image AI

Third conversation
Google ads AI
World Music, Investing, Pet Food & Pet Care Supplies
Text-to-image AI

Google labeling AI
Puppy Love, Photography, Paw
Text-to-image AI

Tools used
Text-to-image tool: VQGAN + CLIP used with NightCafe creator (https://creator.nightcafe.studio) and a Google Colab notebook (https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1ZAus_gn2RhTZWzOWUpPERNC0Q8OhZRTZ)
Ad personalization assumptions: Google Ad Settings (https://adssettings.google.com)
Image labeling tool: Google Cloud Vision AI (https://cloud.google.com/vision)
IDE used for Scala programs: IntelliJ IDEA